Why Lume Is The Best Natural Deodorant For Men

Live Elegantly With Lume
  • Aluminum-free and baking soda-free
  • Controls odor for up to 72 hours
  • Can be used anywhere you sweat, even on sensitive skin
  • Rubs in cleanly like a lotion
  • Does not leave residue on clothing
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Once You Lume, You Never Go Back!


Lume Deodorant is the best thing since sliced bread! No more trying to scrape off the clumps of “under arm paste” from regular deodorant, no more trying to get it off your clothes. I can say that Lume lasts much longer than a 24 hour period. Haven’t tried longer because I need my daily shower! ...No deodorant competes with this product.”

– Mark L.
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Deodorant Sticks | Lumē

The Battle With B.O. Is Over

As a man you want to feel strong, not smell strong. You need a deodorant that can keep up with you on your busiest and most stressful days, without using harmful ingredients. Lume is for you.

You can use Lume ANYWHERE on your body you have odor but wish you didn’t. Lume isn’t just for underarms! It’s for pits, butts, junk, feet, and everywhere else you need it.

Whatever challenges you face in your career, relationships, or personal life, Lume gives you one less thing to worry about. You know you’re going to smell great while conquering life.

Change My Deodorant Game

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Our Stink-Free Fans Say It Best

Lume’s patented formula fights odor in a way no other deodorant does.

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Natural Deodorant That Works All Day

When you put on deodorant in the morning, you expect it to work. So why do other natural deodorants for men fail at keeping you fresh, sometimes after only a few hours? Most deodorants work by neutralizing or attempting to cover up the odor. Lume actually PREVENTS odor from happening in the first place!

Princeton Consumer Research put Lume to the test, and Lume was clinically proven to control body odor for up to 72 hours. That’s practically unheard of for a natural deodorant!

With odor protection this good, you might even feel confident skipping a shower or two when you are pressed for time. (Don’t worry, you will still have friends.)

Join the Odor Free Movement

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Lume Is Safe To Use Anywhere You Sweat. ANYWHERE.

Lume is safe for all external use. If you sweat there, Lume can go there.

Lume is unique because it was developed by a doctor to be safe for all external use. The best deodorant for men should be able to prevent odor all over the body, not just the armpits.

Are your feet rank? Do your balls reek? If you sweat there, Lume can go there.

Sweat on its own doesn’t have any odor, but it does provide a feast for the bacteria living on your skin. After digesting the feast, bacteria let it all hang loose, and fart out an unpleasant smell that becomes body odor. Lume prevents the feast, which prevents the odor.

Lume puts an end to odor in the armpits, the knee pits, and all the other pits and bits, crevices, and folds. You don’t need a special deodorant for all the special parts, Lume is intended for the entire body.

Use Lume everywhere, you need it. The next time you scratch and sniff, you will be pleasantly surprised. And so will that special someone in your life.

You can use Lume anywhere

For the pits just apply Lume like normal.

You can use Lume anywhere

For everywhere else, just twist, swipe, and apply like a lotion.

Lume is doctor-developed, and made with naturally-derived ingredients safe for any external use.
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Lume Does Not Contain Aluminum Or Baking Soda

Nobody wants to experiment with deodorants and antiperspirants that are ineffective or contain ingredients that are well-known problem makers.

Aluminum salts are used in antiperspirants in an effort to plug sweat pores and reduce sweat. However, aluminum is not terribly effective at reducing sweat, and is actually known to increase the colony count of bacteria that is responsible for odor in the first place. Aluminum is also responsible for those dreaded yellow stains on white shirts!

Baking soda is a common ingredient in many natural deodorants, but it can be a problem ingredient for many because it can cause irritation and rashes. Lume is baking soda-free and effectively controls odors without disturbing your skin’s natural balance.

Go Natural, Rash Free!

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They Contain Aluminum

Aluminum traps toxins in your pores.

They’re Only for Armpits

Most deodorants are only made for armpits.

They Cause Rashes

Baking soda in natural deodorants causes rashes.

They Only Mask the Smell

They try to cover the smell after it forms.

Say Goodbye to Pit Stains and Lingering Odors

You could swear that shirt was clean when you put it on, but now that you left the house and the heat is on, you aren’t so sure. Why are your clothes hanging on to the past?

Antiperspirants contain aluminum combined with waxes meant to clog your sweat pores in order to reduce sweating. They aren’t very effective at reducing sweat, but they are effective at taking up permanent residence in your clothes. Waxes and odors of days gone by become embedded in the fibers of your clothes and reactivate with your body heat.

Lume is water based so it rubs on clean, and washes cleanly out of clothes. It won’t leave your white undershirts with yellow pit stains, and your clothes won’t betray you when the temperature rises.

Lume lets you smell like you, and your clothes smell like clothes.

Want to smell great?
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